2. UsageΒΆ

Each setting in Fast DDS can be configured through XML profiles. XML profiles allows to avoid tiresome hard-coded settings within applications sources using XML configuration files. The Fast DDS XML schema was duly updated to accommodate the new Discovery Server tool settings. Please refer to Configuration files for more information on the new Discovery Server xml configuration files. Moreover, an XML configuration file example can be found here.

The discovery server binary (named after the pattern discovery-server-X.X.X(d) where X.X.X is the version number and the optional d denotes a debug builds) is set up from one XML profiles files passed as command-line arguments. To have the tool accessible in the terminal session it is necessary to source the setup file.

  • Linux

    $ source <path/to/discovery-server-ws>/discovery-server-ws/install/setup.bash
    $ discovery-server-X.X.X(d) config_file.xml
  • Windows

    > . <path\to\discovery-server-ws>\discovery-server-ws\install\setup.bat
    > discovery-server-X.X.X(d).exe config_file.xml