2. UDP transport attribute settings

To use UDP, the application relies on the default transport where the locators are actual ports and IP addresses.

2.1. UDP transport code setup for a Client

According to the former RTPS attributes explanation, the DiscoverySettings discovery_config must be populated specifying DiscoveryProtocol_t::CLIENT and adding a new RemoteServerAttributes object to the m_DiscoveryServers list. In this case the UDP port 64863 is set as is the server prefix.

RemoteServerAttributes ratt;

ParticipantAttributes PParam;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol_t::CLIENT;
PParam.rtps.builtin.domainId = 0;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.leaseDuration = c_TimeInfinite;

// Placeholder values for the server address
Locator_t server_address(LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv4, 64863);
IPLocator::setIPv4(server_address, 192, 168, 1, 113);


mp_participant = Domain::createParticipant(PParam);

2.2. UDP transport code setup for a server

According to the former RTPS attributes explanation, the DiscoverySettings discovery_config specifying we want to create a DiscoveryProtocol_t::SERVER and adding a new listening locator to any BuiltinAttributes metatraffic lists (this locator or locators must be known by the Clients). In this case, the UDP port 64863 is set as is the Server prefix.

ParticipantAttributes PParam;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol_t::SERVER;
PParam.rtps.builtin.domainId = 0;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.leaseDuration = c_TimeInfinite;

// Placeholder values for the server address
Locator_t server_address(LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv4, 64863);
IPLocator::setIPv4(server_address, 192, 168, 1, 113);


mp_participant = Domain::createParticipant(PParam);