3. TCP transport attribute settings

For TCP transport is mandatory to disable the default transport setting the RTPSParticipantAttributes::useBuiltinTransports as false and creating a new transport descriptor thus Fast DDS framework might create a suitable transport object.

3.1. TCP transport code setup for a client

The DiscoverySettings discovery_config is almost the same as in UDP client case. Note that here the server_address locator specifies 65215 as the logical port and 9843 as the physical one. The reason behind this is that TCP transport was devised in order to allow a single TCP connection tunnel several participants traffic through it. In order to differentiate each participant sharing the connection, a logical port concept was introduced. The transport will understand that must connect to the physical port (using TCP protocol) and relay metatraffic to the logical port 65215, which is the metatraffic mailbox of the Server.

A new TCPv4TransportDescriptor must be created and a physical listening port selected. In this case, each HelloWorldExample instance creates a single participant thus the linked process ID is a suitable seed to make up a listening port number (this way each time a new Client is created a different port is selected).

RemoteServerAttributes ratt;

ParticipantAttributes PParam;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol_t::CLIENT;
PParam.rtps.builtin.domainId = 0;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.leaseDuration = c_TimeInfinite;

// Placeholder values for the server address
Locator_t server_address;
server_address.kind = LOCATOR_KIND_TCPv4;
IPLocator::setLogicalPort(server_address, 64863);
IPLocator::setPhysicalPort(server_address, 9843);
IPLocator::setIPv4(server_address, 192, 168, 1, 113);


PParam.rtps.useBuiltinTransports = false;
std::shared_ptr<TCPv4TransportDescriptor> descriptor = std::make_shared<TCPv4TransportDescriptor>();

// Generate a listening port for the client
std::default_random_engine gen(System::GetPID());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> rdn(49152, 65535);
descriptor->add_listener_port(rdn(gen)); // IANA ephemeral port number

descriptor->wait_for_tcp_negotiation = false;

mp_participant = Domain::createParticipant(PParam);

3.2. TCP transport code setup for a server

The DiscoverySettings discovery_config is almost the same as in UDP server case. Here the server_address locator specifies 64863 as the logical port instead of the physical one.

A new TCPv4TransportDescriptor must be created and a physical listening port selected. Unlike the client code, this listening port (9843 in the example) must be known beforehand for all Clients in order to successfully deliver metatraffic to the server.

ParticipantAttributes PParam;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol_t::SERVER;
PParam.rtps.builtin.domainId = 0;
PParam.rtps.builtin.discovery_config.leaseDuration = c_TimeInfinite;

// Placeholder values for the server address
Locator_t server_address;
server_address.kind = LOCATOR_KIND_TCPv4;
IPLocator::setLogicalPort(server_address, 64863);
IPLocator::setIPv4(server_address, 192, 168, 1, 113);


std::shared_ptr<TCPv4TransportDescriptor> descriptor = std::make_shared<TCPv4TransportDescriptor>();
descriptor->wait_for_tcp_negotiation = false;

PParam.rtps.useBuiltinTransports = false;

mp_participant = Domain::createParticipant(PParam);